Wednesday, July 7, 2010


NYC had it's high points and it's very low points but one thing is for sure it was amazing to be back in America and with my wife Joyce! Some high points of NYC were seeing Joyce, Wicked was freaking UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME, Statue of Liberty, and riding around Central Park. Some of the lows were, dealing with the 102 degree weather and added humidity, almost getting arrested at the 4th of July firework show(you will have to ask me...), putting up with the people of NYC and their rude/I'm better than you attitude, crowds, getting on the wrong subway trains, and having the taxi overheat in rush hour on the way to the airport in 100 degree weather. I'm SOOO happy to finally be home in SLC, Utah!!! Today I get to see my little boy Jack for the first time since June 18th. I'm so excited to see him!!

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