Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Day in Paris

After only a seven hour flight we arrived in Paris, France where we had a 10 hour layover. Niether my dad or I speak a word of French or have ever been to Paris before. It was quite an adventure. We took the train into the city and saw as many sites as we could in the amount of time we had. We saw The Louvre, Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, and many other beautiful and historic sculptures and buildings. Paris is really cool. It was as if I had traveled back in time, it was a city unlike anything I had ever seen before. The people there are all very diverse. It was a great experience to see Paris.
It is Summer in France but it was very cold, especially on top of the Eiffel Tower! We had planned to be back to the airport early so we didn't miss our flight but with the lack of sleep and being very tired from walking all day we got on the wrong train. I was dosing off between stops and we didn't realize the the track had split and we went right instead of left to the airport. When we got to the first wrong exit I woke up as the train stoppped and realized we were going the wrong way. At that point we had to go back a stop and turn around and get on a train going to the left of the split, but the trains only come by every 15-30 minutes so we knew we were in trouble. When we got to the airport we had to Home Alone it and run throught the terminal to make our plane. But we made was a close call.

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